Saturday, October 2, 2010


Initially, my day should be much better with things that compliment the goodness that collectively happened. This includes good times, great de-stress sessions and talks that makes sense and is actually worth picking up.

A very experienced and sensible buddy told me things that made me see different shades of colors. This bro even managed to totally solved my problem and his methodology was in fact working very well. It really did help and I was 99.9999999% cured/healed. Almost a new MAN and a repaired one too. UNTIL... one tiny action. Most devastating of all that triggers the demonic inside of me.

At this point, seeing the light and moving into it was no longer any use anymore. I actually had no emotions, no hate, no feelings and was turning over a new leaf when... YOU DID IT!

That very moment, the URN of DARKNESS was disturbed and the EVIL was unleashed!
I've only got this to say to you prior to my new transformation:

I can tolerate no more of these nonsense from YOU. I've being too NICE and too obliging to every demand YOU requested. I've tried to salvage whatever is left and repair things but stepping ONTO my head and doing childish little actions are just TOO MUCH! YOU either tell me once and for all what the HELL do YOU want and live up to YOUR words or face the consequences of PLAYING me OFF!

NO MORE MR NICE GUY! YOU want to PUSH me to the limit? Then since YOU don't want to settle peacefully, I'll have to just be RUTHLESS and let YOU feel my WRATH and spike YOU with nothing but FEAR!