Friday, May 10, 2013

Democracy dies now, or Democracy was long dead? - A citizen's overview on Malaysia's GE13 by Tai Zee Kin

In today's aftermath of the recent General Elections, I feel the issue of fraud, racism, criticizing etc should stop already. It's done and cannot be undone. So, people should learn to be matured enough to accept that its over and give credit where creditors due.

Mr Tan Zee Kin wrote a very good article about such things and bravo to him, deserves a shout-out and repost too. Mind everyone, I'm neutral to the elections because I don't vote, I can't vote and I'm... simply not a Malaysian. But all this "tsunami" happening from pre-elections to post-elections have also indirectly made me suffer financially, economically, mentally & physically. Yes, it affects me too, cos I stay and make a living here.
Everyone should take a moment to learn to accept the consequences of things happen because of each and everyone living and breathing today is the contribution to the cause of the GE results. Even I indirectly impacted the economy & its future (be it due to friends who support oppositions or gov't or whatever). It's like the methodology of what Christians said: When Jesus died on the cross for 'us', he died for everyone's sins. Even a 1 day old baby has sinned. No one is pure & perfect, according to the bible. (I quoted this not as a disrespect to all religions but just saying its an example. Again, I disclaim that it's NOT against any racism or religion. It's for discussion sake. Don't bite me. Don't like it, close your browser and don't read on).

As I was saying, the cause of GE consequences is a result of each person in & out of Malaysia. Living & Dead. As Tai Zee Kin will later tell you, it's because of the system and our/your forefathers. If you like, you can even blame it on the British (sorry UK/Queen Lizzy, didn't meant to drag Your Majesty into it) etc.

Without further delay, please read the quote of Mr Tai Zee Kin: (Source)
Democracy dies now, or Democracy was long dead? - A citizen's overview on Malaysia's GE13 by Tai Zee Kin

(ADVISORY : this is very very very long. please do NOT read while driving. Please try to criticize me ONLY after you finish everything, and by the way, you are NOT allowed to quote one short line and attack me by that, whether you are BN , PR, or other party supporters, and for people with strong political affiliation, you are not encouraged to comment on this post , though legally you are allowed to).

Before this, I didn't want to comment much on this election. Election is the single most complicated and complex event that can happen in a country. No single, or in this context, multiple anecdotes would suffice to formulate a true and fair view or opinion in any election. An election would encompass more than anecdotes. It intertwines among Ideology, legal system, political system, economical factors, culture and religion aspects, morality, and of course, anecdotes of events. Sad to say, I think this election has blinded many people, whichever side they are on. you have Pakatan Rakyat's supporters, sympathizers, and members presenting anecdotes challenging the authenticity of electoral procedures. You then see Barisan Nasional's supporters and sympathizers countering anecdotes, and invoked some culture/religion factors to support their status quo. None of what they've done, (with the exception of few scholarly individuals like MR Rem Dambul or Wan Saiful Wan Jan ) would sum up the election in a holistic way.


First, what do you think of this statement (quoted from a friend whom i cannot remember who said it - identify yourself in the comment if it was you)

"The Election is fair, but the system is Not" - in relation to Gerrymandering and also popular votes ( alot of this are views influenced by Mr Rem Dambul)

let's start with Gerrymandering and Popular votes. It is by far the most powerful claim to illegitimize Party Barisan Nasional's right to govern. The constituency boundaries drawing was drawn in such a way that it is harder for certain political parties to win, despite having more individual/indiscriminant supports from individual voter (popular vote winning).

It is very tempting, and to a huge extend, "True" to concede to this argument. However if you read upon what Political Scientist Dr Brian Rathbun (2007) has to say, this is a real conflict between "equality" and "fairness". Popular system (as opposed to the Electoral system), according to Dr Rathbun is mathematically too simplistic and doesn't take into account socio-economical factor, and further claimed that a country that implements a popular voting system, failed in practicing "Democracy" from two aspect :- Legislative aspect (1) and Sociological aspect (2).

before you roll your eyes and start to click away, do consider bearing with me for a little while (i will condemn the government, don't worry).

Take a simplistic (for the sake of the point) example, say, 60% of the electorates are urbanites, while remaining 40% are rural folks. In a popular voting system, government will only need to announce measures/policies/manifestos that would secure the 60% urbanites to win a popular vote. Reducing petrol price (assume that the consumption of petrol is minimal and insignificant in rural areas), Providing low cost housing for urban poors, or, using "English" as main medium of education which would excites alot of urbanites etc, will put the rural folks at a very disadvantaged position. Their voices NEED NOT be heard because they can never affect the winning of a government.

Whereas based on Dr Rathbun's ideology, the Electoral System factors in socio-economical considerations. Greatest theorist and jurist on "Democracy", one like Finis or Rawls pressumably (rawls is more direct) in their writings accorded a more holistic interpretation to democracy - that "Majority wins" is not the most essential aspect of democracy, there are rules against tyrannism, and eveyrone's interest (fundamental human rights) must be taken into consideration. ( Forgive me for quoting these names. I did law in UNI and SAD TO SAY that Jurisprudence was my favourite subject and my thesis/Dissertation was on democracy - spent one whole year writing on democracy alone and got a 68 (2:1) :_( sob

Electoral system effectively takes into account the interest of people not only as "individual", but also factors in sociological (rural urban), cultural (in Malyasia, perhaps Religion is factored in too), economical (poor, middle class, rich) and various others in the form of "WEIGHTAGE".

take another simplistic (please don't attack me for doing this, it's for the sake of the argument) view, KAPAR has 150,000 voters who are middle class and working class. their needs/wants/desire from the government are likened to those of urbanites.

on the other hand, you have people who stays in PADANG RENGAS, with , say, 35,000 voters who are farmers, fisherman, and working class.

Lets assume Malaysia only has 2 constituency, of KAPAR and PADANG RENGAS. in a Popular system, people of KAPAR shall dictate how policies are make through their MP/Government (they will win). the policies will then be purely targeting middle/upper income. People in PADANG RENGAS who are farmers will never get a say. their numbers are too low to make a different.

Look at Electoral System. if Malaysia practices Electoral System, you then can see People from PADANG RENGAS (after factoring in their socio-economical background), be given a say on how policies are made. At the end, you SACRIFICE EQUALITY, but in return you get FAIRNESS. (Rahtbun 2007)

you now then ask, which system should Malaysia , and as a matter of fact, the "World" adopt? Fairness, or equality (in respect to sociological, cultural, and economical background)?

most democratic country uses electoral system, in a WAY or ANOTHER.


can i shock you NOT with the result of USA Presidential Election in 2000

Republican George Bush won 50,456,002 of the total votes (47.9%)

Democrat Algore won 50,999,897 of the total votes (48.4%)

Cuba teka siapa yang menang sebagai Presiden Amerika Syarikat di tahun 2000.


why? because an electoral System entails , i reiterate, much more factors than just invidivual votes alone. and these "factors" is what we, as Malaysian, should really revisit.

In Australia, you have few states, each states has different numbers of popularion. however when it comes to SENATE, a powerful upper house which can veto supply bills, every state sends 12 reps from the governming parties (except Northern Territory). Which means in the Australian Senate, you have 12 Senators from the state of Victory, and also 12 Senators from the State of Western Australia, although Western Australia's popular voters (individuals) is significanly lesser than half of the population of Victoria.

Such are two good examples on how the world practices electoral voting system, at the expense of Popular vote :)

Having said that, this system allows the Politicians to ABUSE it's position in the parliament to freely "Interpret" these Socio-economical factors to justify or benefit their position and status quo.

As a result of adapting the Electoralthe constitution allows the Parliamentarians to re-draw the boundaries of constituencies every 10 years, allowing BAD Gerrymandring from happening. When Lord Reid and his fellow commissioners drafted the Constitution of Malaya and singapore in the House Of Lord, he did foresee that such abuse might happened.

The safeguard of this, in his lordship's view, was to impose a measure to prevent abuse.

The "two third majority" 2/3.

2/3 Majority is a DANGEROUS thing. it is of the founding father's view, that with a 2/3 majority, Parliamentarians can SAFELY reflect on the general/overview of the general people, factoring in socio-cultural-economica consideration at their best.

When people gave Barisan Nasional a 2/3, you also gave them a poison that would later on be developed into a vicious cycle of gerrymandering.

Since Barisan Nasional loses it's 2/3 in 2008, they can never then abuse the GerryMandering bit.

However, we must also know one thing.


Even a lay person can answer you that question

"why Kapar 150,000, and Putrajaya only 6000 voters?"

A COUSIN used to answer me : "Because Kapar all Chinese Indian majority ma, Putrajaya all Malay".

Gerrymandring effort is sooo simple becaue races in Malaysia became the most paramount and determining "Socio-cultural-economical" factoring when constituency lines are drawn.

Please reflect on this aspect. After 55 years, apart from blaming the government from dividing and ruling the races, have we actually put in ANY efforts ourselve to integrate and became 1 ? (maalysian malaysia, 1malaysia)? - ANOTHER TOPIC ANOTHER DAY.


Next, let's see allegation of "FRAUD and IRREGULARITIES".

I was vry upset by the fact that the indelible ink worn off SOOOO quickly after it was applied. instead of the 7 days, it naturally oxide and worn off in 2 days.

Like you, i was very tempted to shout "FRAUD FRAUD!!!!".

But unlike you i didn't. As a "Citizen Investigator yang bertauliah", I Investigate la!

BERSIH movement, when presenting on the need to use indelible ink, quoted India as example (for the purpose of my investigation, i've called two friends who are indian nationalstaying in delhi, and thai friend). I asked them, if the "indelible ink" they used, were "delible" or "indelible".

Guess what the answers were?

Nadeem told me (too bad he is not in facebook), Zee, if its really "indelible", you call it a TATOO not indelible ink!. It can be washed off very quickly. Nothing stays free from being washed off unless it's printed INTO your skin (tatoo).

Chanaron (who, unfortunately, is not in facebook either) told me it can be washed off easily as well, but he then poised me a cute question "WHY do you want to wash it off anyway? use tooth paste or chrolox if you have to but it's advisable to keep it".

the question is simple.

Indelible ink is never meant to be the only solution or preventive measure to prevent duplicated voting. it was SUPPOSE to make it more difficult for people to attempt double/triple voting.

The primary identification of voting history, is still your Identity card. (in US and UK, driving license, and it's so loose that so many British and american who are crazy supporters actually votes twice, thrice in the same day -bceause of the concept of registration of votership based on property ownership ) - DISCUSS the story another day but basically double/triple voting is a "norm" and "accpetable behaviour" in the UK election and US election. I KID YOU NOT!!!!!!!!!

as my boss Noorhaina Hirawani Mohd Noor correctly pointed out, indelible ink being washed off does NOT substantiate the claim of double/triple voting. The actual CRIME of the SPR is double voting. Not indelible ink being washed off. in Japanese election or Australia election, no Indelible inks are used, and does that automatically means that there are double/triple voting by one same person?

It is, the rakyat's very own perception of "DISTRUST towards the government" that made them think that the indelible ink being washed off is itself a component of electoral fraud.


SPR MUST be taken to task for their negligence too. they declared that the ink will stay for 7 days, but i suppose no one has their fingers showing blue now even though today is only the 5th day. This is unacceptable, and I am suspecting that the SPR is using LOW QUALITY INK. if i can gather evidence to substantiate my suspicioun, I will call MACC to report CORRUPTION by SPR. but unforunately i do not have evidence. if you do, and would love to contribute to the bettermen of malaysia, send your evidence .


Foreigners voting in Malaysia - of BANGLAS and BANGLADESH NATIONALS.


THere are three views into this issue : Broad view, Narrow view and Extremist view. It is also advised that you read my previous blog on Bumiputra, for non bumiputra here ---> ( to understand better on what is about to come )

I start with the narrow view of "naturalized foreigners".

If a foreigner is naturalized in Malaysia according to our Article 14,15,16,16A,18,19 of our Federal Constitution, can you still call him a foreinger despite his look, and the way he speaks?

The first general election of Malaysia was in July 1955, and guess what, the real naturalization of Ethnic Chinese and Ethnic Indian only happened less than 5 years before that, in MASS. guess if there is a "foreigner hunting" exercize happening in 1955, it will be the Malay Citizen hunting for Chinese non citizen and indian non citizen. I INVITE you to imagine that scenario.

If one is satisfied in law to be a citizen of malaysia, regardless of his country or domicile of origin (china, india, bangladesh, myanmar), you treat him/her as Malaysians. don't you?


Netizens claimed that there was 600,000 Bangladesh Nationals voting in our GE. This claim was then re-iterated by certain political party's defacto leader in a wednesday mass gathering in Kelana Jaya.

it can only mean two things :-

1.) the Government gave Identity cards to the exisiting group of Bangladeshi (based on BBC report here , there are currently 500,000 bangladesh nationals working in Malaysia.


2.) The government Flies 600,000 Bangladesh Nationals from the Nation of Bangladesh into Malaysia during the election period.

point 1.) seems more plausible to me (i hope to you too) a claim for electoral fraud.

say, there are only 500,000 bangladesh nationals in Malaysia, to make them vote, means every Bangladesh workers in Malaysia are now holding IC.

Is that logical? I would think that it's not, but before you shout "Stupid Zee Kin, what about the Indonesians etc)

OK say half half la. Bangladesh half, Indonesian half.

it also means that every 1 in 2 Bangladesh you see in the street, should have indelible ink last sunday.

you should be able to post video of your security guards, the neighbourhood construction worker, 7-11 worker with indelible ink .

So far, from the Citizen Investigation effort, we only managed to see 19 claims of Foreinger, (mostly claim of Bangladesh national) in the internet.

secondly, if you say that there are 600,000 foreinger voting, there should be at least 100 Bangladeshi being seen/found/caught in each of the 6000 polling station (in total).

did you spot 100 Bangladeshi in your polling station? or 50, or 20? in EVERY polling station?

or you just saw it in the internet, one of the 29 videos/photos compiled?

Logically it doesn't make sense. even if you say, they only concentrate the foreingers in certain polling station, say, 50 grey seats amounting to 1000 that BN needs to win, each would have, what? 1000 Foreign Nationals?

Come On Malaysians. that 29 videos / photos is not good enough. you have between 50-1000 foreigners voting in EACH AND EVERY one of the 6000 polling stations in Malaysia, and you can only catch 29? try harder can?

and to play a devil advocacy against your logic, can these 29 foreigners be "planted" by certain political parties instead, to make you believe of their existence? and by believing in their existence, the issue of numbers and Magnitude DOES NOT matter to you anymore?


OK OK Ok la, for the sake of Tony Fernandez and MAS, i counter point 2.) also with a simple fact check.

To fly 600,000 foreign Nasionals INTO Malaysia during the election period, Air ASIA and MAS, AS WELL AS Malaysian Airports needs to STOP all their flights for 21 days, and use all their Boeing 737 and Airbus 330 (250 capacity) to travel between Bangladesh and Kuala Lumpur for an interval of 15 minutes per flight. then only you can fly in 600,000 Bangladesh Nationals to Malaysia in 21 days (stopping ALL other flights to ALL ROUTES). Of course, you will come and tell me, how about Penang Airport, KK airport, etc. ok lah. say if Penang airport or KK airport is to help to fly in these foreingers, you will see at least 50% of people in all three airports to be of Bangladesh Nationals for 21 days. and you can only produce, what? 10 photos of bangladesh nationals qui-ing up?

*the MRT project and housing projects already taken 1000 Bangladesh nationals as labour in the past year because.. akhem.. you don't want to do the juob ma. and you only have 10 photos. try harder fellow citizens!


BLACK OUT in Bentong?

to this respect, i would, on behalf of all 4480 Citizen Investigators, ridicule those who believed that there was a black out in Bentong.

To save your time, i have graphical supports in this post, as well as evidences accumulated to refute it. --->



As i wrote this, i got a call from my Brother Tai Zee How who confirmed that the Person seen in the video giving money to another person who showed him a slip, was a "payment allowance" for voters who travelled to vote. Logic will tell you ,there is NO way you can know whether one votes for who, and no person in their right mind would pay money for people who came out to vote, and then tell them "hey, i voted for u, PAY ME". why "voted"? because in the video, the person actually showed the slip!

for more justiciation, check out what Citizen Investigators have found based on group investigating effort.


OK, i shall not dwell more on fraud allegations simply because my fingers are tired. if you are really intersted in knowing the findings of Citizen Investigators on fraud allegation, visit

The next thing i want to talk about, is "Racial trend".

Najib was quoted saying that this election is a result of "Chinese Tsunami against Barisan Nasional".

I am very saddened by PM Najib's respond because he thinks that I tsunamied against him which i don't think i did (or i didn't?), but then is there any element of truth in what he says? yes and no. NO more than Yes. Yes less than No. No yes or no, it's Yes and no.

simplistic example are like "MCA lose 8 seats, UMNO win 10 seats"

popular example are like "Nett gain in Pakatan popular votes, means Malay tsunamied against Barisan too".

Anecdotal example are like "DAP won all 11 seats in Negeri Sembilan, but in the same state, PAS lose all 10 seats."

If you base your judgment solely on "popular vote swing", then i CONCUR with you. it's not a chinese tsunami, it's a TSUNAMI per se.

But anal political analyst and scientist would tell you , do not use "popular vote swing". use "electoral vote swing". face palm

however, if you decided to give face to political analyst or scientist, you will find out the following facts prompted PM Najib's statement :-

Underlying presumption (i stand correct to be rebutted)

1.) 91% (based on an unreliable resources, feel free to rebut with a more reliable source) of high chinese populated seats (ranked from higest ratio of chinese population to lowest) are contested by DAP

2.) rest mixed seats are taken by PKR and PAS. (malay/Sabah/sarawak indegenious majority/ high sabah/sarawak/ malay indegenious population).

and the result is

a.) DAP won 38 Seats, nett GAIN of 10 Seats compared to GE 12 (28 seats)

b.) PAS won 21 Seats, nett LOSS of 2 Seats compared to GE 12 (23 seats)

c.) PKR won 30 Seats, nett LOSS of 1 Seat compared to GE 12 (31 seats)

DAP gained 10 seats for contesting in 91% (pls rebut if u have better source) highest ranked Chinese population ratio seats, and have a net GAIN of 10 seats, PKR and PAS combined running in the rest, and have net LOSE of 3 seats.

I think that's what NAJIB meant by "Chinese Tsunami". he uses electoral system.

then again, i didn't agree with him.

I THINK as far as RACE is concerned, we go by individual. having that said, it's a URBAN tsunami with Chinese wave and ripple. CHinese factor is just Wave adn Ripples. not TSUNAMI!

As a conclusion, i think i am motivated to share with you two quotes.

1.) The unfairness does not lie in the election, but the system, a system that was crafted by our forefathers and the Reid Commissioners.

2.) The mentality of the Urbanites who voted against the chinese : it's not what they want FROM the government. it's what they want FOR the government.

Sekian, I rest my case , and my finger.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tribute to an EC/SPR Officer for GE13

I came across an article that speaks of her true experience for the recent Malaysian 13th General Elections. She showed true passion & determination for her country and speaks of the 'behind-the-scenes' of her working as an Election Commission Officer. Now, mind you, everyone, I'm not a supporter of any political party and neither am I even any close to having anything to do with the Elections, simply because I'm not a Malaysian and I don't vote and thus, I'm on a neutral end. I couldn't help to echo her voice out to the mainstream as much as possible because she deserves the appreciation & recognition for her humanity. Especially for the poor old uncle, who was left in dismay.

First of all, the passion of Ms Joanne Lim is very much admired because for the peanuts she was paid, she did her job very well & she did not look at the pay grade but what she could do for her country and a so-called "cleaner & fairer" election. Similar to my commitments & contributions to the music & entertainment industry, we did it for the love. Not for the money. In fact, 80% of the time, we're probably underpaid by almost 5-10x?

Anyway, without further ado, please take a moment to read a lengthy but comprehensive in-depth look of those unsung heroes who tried their very best to make the recent GE as smooth, successful & clean+fair as possible. I also salute to some of my friends who also went to volunteer as a polling agent or counting agent or whatever generous help they gave to mankind. Just reminding everyone that we are all equally a human too. With the same amount of eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms & legs (with the exception of maybe some who may be physically disabled or loss of such. no discrimination, just honoring you guys).. we are all the same: be it Voters, Campaign members, Civilians/observers, Policemen, RELA, EC Agents, Counting Agents, whatever your job is...


The Harrowing Experience of being an EC/SPR Officer for GE13

by Joanne Lim (Notes) on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 10:48pm
Contrary to public perception, most of the EC officers in schools are civilians/teachers who applied for the job to be EC officers on election day. I applied for the job as I wanted to be a part of the election process and gain a first-hand experience of one of the most exciting events in my beloved country. And of course, what better way to ensure a clean and fair election than to be a part of it?

To my utter shock, many voters regarded me as a government machinery who was placed there to prevent them from voting/to destroy/track their votes. When checking for a man’s saluran using his IC, I was about to hand him the paper which merely stated the room he should vote in when he quickly said, “NO NO! Don’t give me anything! You’ll track me!” It was flabbergasting!

Voters thought we EC officers had the power to summon everything. Our centre asked MBPJ (in charge of us) for wheelchairs but were told that they had ran out of wheelchairs. People scolded us for having no wheelchairs, but really, that was completely, absolutely not our fault. We asked for wheelchairs numerous times, but we never got it. To be fair to MBPJ, their staff looked harassed and exhausted each time we saw them (they ate, slept and worked in their centre round the clock few weeks prior to elections). I could imagine the number of phone calls they received that day as polling centres with problems called them for assistance. In the end we carried chairs from classrooms so that the senior citizens could sit in line and I drove senior citizens who walked in the school to the doorstep of their saluran. And I'm sorry about the sun, we can't help it if you have to queue in the sun, really we can't. We ourselves suffered in the heat, at least you could go home after voting.

One voter rudely asked me why she had to vote in a different saluran from her mother. She lamented about the inconvenience of it all and demanded that I change it. What she (and many others) failed to understand was that we were merely following a pre-decided electoral roll which had already placed everyone into various salurans according to your IC number. Saluran 1 started with the oldest voters on the list, Saluran 6 had the youngest voters.

Yes, changing your saluran is possible, we did it for a number of disabled/injured voters who couldn’t climb up staircases. But the paperwork involved in that is not easy, with clerks in both salurans involved having to co-ordinate and fill in forms. So what, you’ll think. That’s what you are paid for! Well, there are only 5-6 EC officers in each room, each time an EC officer is held up by such paperwork the entire voting process is delayed.We (and you) want to prevent fraud and cheating, hence paperwork is extremely necessary. You think it’s just a matter of you casting your vote in another classroom? The number of ballot papers provided for each saluran has already been fixed, any discrepancies and we’ll be in trouble.

Voters brought in their own pencils and erasers and whatnot and left them behind. We had a case of a voter who insisted that she had used a pencil to mark her vote (although we provided pens that were tied to the tables to prevent theft) because it was on the table. EC officers went to check the table and found no trace of a pencil. We asked the polling agents (PACA) if they had seen a pencil and they said no. For your information, every saluran has numerous agents from political parties who are monitoring the entire voting process. Finally the KTM (Ketua Tempat Mengundi) of that saluran came out and assured the voter that her vote would be counted, whether in pen or pencil.

The voter (and her friends/family) then said we would erase her vote and change it. To which the KTM replied by saying that all the votes would be counted in front of counting agents (PACA - who are placed there to monitor the counting process). By this time the voter and her friends/family are extremely hostile, bad-mannered, rude and sarcastic towards us. One older man shouts, “Who’s in charge of this now? The government? The government again lah!” A young man crudely and rudely tells us not to mess around with them. Trust me, I had to dig deep into my patience reserve bank to control my response towards them. The KTM gave the voter a form to make an official complaint but she decided to walk off.

The internet has done a lot of good, but plenty of harm too. Voters were told to look out for dots on their ballot papers which would result in their votes being considered “spoilt”. With the misconception that each centre was given 10% extra ballot papers, people kept demanding for new ballot papers the moment they saw a single tiny dot on their paper. Truth is, centres were given only a FEW extra ballot papers for voters who sincerely, accidentally messed up their ballot papers. In my centre, each saluran was only give 6-10 extra ballot papers although they had 500-600 voters per saluran. Don’t blame us if you found the EC officer refusing to give an extra ballot paper, do you want to deny someone else the right to vote on the basis of a single dot on your ballot paper?

Ok, time to bring in the PACAs (polling & counting agents) who were present in every saluran, monitoring and tracking the vote-counting process. Did you agents fight over a dot on the ballot paper? (Heck, most of you were watching from too far away to even see the names of candidates properly, what more a dot.) All the agents looked for were clear votes, whether in pen, pencil, or even indelible ink (yes, a number of voters thought they had to use the ink to make their vote). As long as it was a clear vote, it was accepted. If there were any disputes, agents would argue over it, defending their own parties. Having observed the counting process myself, I saw no instance of ballot papers being analysed for dots that would render it “spoilt”. And I’m sure most of us know friends/family who volunteered as PACAs, ask them themselves. Were you guys/gals looking out for dots?

I had another voter who stormed up to me and wanted to make an “official complaint”. He was aghast that the SPR stamp was stamped right on the centre of the perforated part of his ballot paper, resulting in the stamp being torn into half. I explained to him that this was done for the purpose of ensuring that no ballot paper was simply torn out of the ballot book. He then demanded to know why there was a serial number on his ballot paper. I explained that it was for the purpose of ensuring that all ballot papers were accounted for. In the event of a sudden discrepancy in the number of ballot papers (say, saluran X should only have 452 voters according to the records of both the polling agents and also EC officers but we suddenly count 634 ballot papers), the serial number was important in ensuring that only the “rightful” ballot papers were counted. He thought for a few seconds over my explanation, nodded and said, “This sounds like a much more plausible explanation,” and went off. I understand his worries, I myself have received many emails telling me how and where and what should be done on my ballot paper. I think that people must be educated on the entire election process to prevent this sort of paranoia.

Indelible ink? People came up to me complaining about the indelible ink being delible (haha). I’m sorry, I’m only an EC officer who assists you in voting. I did NOT make nor order nor buy the ink, and I most certainly do not know WHY the indelible ink is delible. Really, I’m just someone on duty to help you out! (If you must hear my oh-so-important-EC-Officer opinion, I find the whole business of indelible ink ludicrous anyhow, so I really do not care if it can be washed/Cloroxed/soaped/licked off.)

Read me clearly: HELP. I laughed watching the policemen on duty at the school gate. All they had to do was direct people to the correct rooms and manage traffic. I heard a policeman say in frustration, “Saya nak tolong kamu lah! Bukan nak tangkap you! (I just want to help you! Not arrest you!)” This is because he asked to see the printed slips of the voters so he could direct them to their rightful salurans, but they thought that he was preventing them from voting. I talked to many policemen since they too were regarded with suspicion, making them my allies. I found out aplenty about the lives of policemen, got to ask stupid questions like why they weren’t carrying guns, and what they would do if they encountered trouble on election day. We both lamented over our rumbling tummies when both the MBPJ and Police Department failed to send us food until 3pm. I managed to dig out some water bottles from somewhere in the school and passed it out to the policemen who were standing under the scorching sun the whole day. Look, I’m including this just to let you know that we are merely humans beings. I'm certain the police force was fully mobilised on that day. I talked to them and found out that they were on duty from 4am-6am THE NEXT DAY. 26 hours of duty, my fellow Malaysians. By night most of them had bloodshot eyes. They earned my absolute respect and admiration on that day.

I understand your paranoia, but we’re trying to be nice here, at least try and see that?? I detest how anger is so blinding that we take it out on others.

Giving money for your vote. We had voters who sought EC officers out, demanding that we give them money for voting. Seriously, I’m not kidding. There was even one voter who told us that she would vote if someone gave her money. Then she proceeded to sit around waiting the whole day. Haha, no one gave her any money. Another man came and demanded that we pay him for voting. I explained that we were EC officers, that it was an EC booth. He told me that every other voting centre had places to collect money, all except my centre. I shrugged and told him to approach the other centres then. He complained for a while more and left, telling us he would be back. Thankfully, he never returned.

PACAs. Some of the PACAs whom I met were pretty sarcastic and hostile towards us. They were sarcastic when they found out we were being paid for being on duty, told us not to forget that it was the “rakyat’s money”. They made fun of the free t-shirts and caps that we were wearing, again reminding us that it was THEIR money. They persistently told us that they were volunteers and received no money for doing their jobs. Ok, so I was paid RM235.00 for my duty. I worked from 5am to 9pm. I was drenched in rain, sweat, hatred and anger the entire day. You think it was worth it? We were given a small, tiny packet of meehoon for breakfast (seriously, it was about 4 mouthfuls) and one bottle of drink that was so sweet it made us thirsty. Since the canteen was closed and we couldn’t go out, many of us had no water to drink until our ‘lunch’ came at 3pm. Even then, somehow they constantly miscalculated the number of EC officers in our centre and a few of us had no food to eat. I had to take water bottles from the teachers’ staffroom as some of the teachers/EC officers had stashes of THEIR OWN (not government, please) water bottles. The PACAs had KFC and nice lunches from their own parties, they had the freedom to leave and buy their own water and food if they so desired, they took turns being on duty. Why bother comparing? If you envy my job so much, do apply to be an EC officer for the next GE. It’s open to all as long as you’re above 21 years old.

One PACA even had the audacity to tell me that I should “also read” non-state-controlled media to “find out the real happenings” in our country. Hey, just because I wasn’t explicitly supporting political parties doesn’t mean I’m an ignorant fool, ok?? As an EC officer my task was to be as neutral as possible, not to join in campaigning. I pointedly ignored that PACA because… well, because I’ve no energy nor time to deal with such narrow-minded mindsets.

We had PACA’s who came without their proper documents and then kicked up a big fuss and complained to SPR that we weren’t letting them in the rooms. I understand that some/many people had bad experiences with EC Officers, but after a whole day of such a hostile environment, who can blame them? By 10am the hostility I was receiving was taking a toll on my nerves! Many people pointedly ignored us, and at the end of the day, a PACA asked my Penyelia Pusat Mengundi (PPM), “You are a teacher? Not an SPR staff? All the KTMs are teachers too??” I could see confusion written all over her face, and she became friendly after that. -__-

No, I don’t hate PACAs. Erm… maybe I did, for a few hours. Yes, observe me by all means, but do it politely, keep all snide comments to yourself. I never once insulted any PACA (in fact, I introduced some of the PACA’s to the Penyelia Pusat Mengundi and I assisted them in what ways I could). I too could have pointedly ignored you for wanting to observe all that I do, but I did not. That being said, there were also PACAs who conducted themselves professionally.

And to the political party that dropped off the old uncle to vote and LEFT HIM THERE, may you receive your comeuppance someday (to put it politely. I have a much more vulgar sentence in mind). I never did ask which political party did it, but I do know that it’s darn irresponsible of them. I helped this old uncle who REALLY wanted to vote but could only move about 5cm each step, drove him from his voting room to a waiting area after he voted. I went outside and asked a nearby political barung if they had dropped him off, they merely laughed at me and asked, “Which party does he support?” I was utterly disgusted by their attitude and walked off. Finding a taxi was a near impossible task, didn’t see any. In the end the old uncle sat for a good two hours, got all wet from the storm (strong wind although he was sitting under a tent) till a taxi was found. I wanted to send him back, I did. But EC officers are not allowed to leave centres, and obviously so long as no one knew who he had voted for no one wanted to send him back. My heart really broke for this old man… I felt so guilty that I had failed to help him… I left him with other officers and did work elsewhere.

Really, to hell with humanity, I have to say. In our bid for free and fair elections we leave out compassion and love for others.

I’m unsure if there were real EC staff on duty in polling centres, but most schools I know hired everyday civilians like you and I. If the officers were strict, they were merely following orders from the higher-ups.  The counting process was done in front of PACAs in each saluran, so cheating there is impossible. How does cheating happen? Definitely not at such a low-down level, if not they would not be hiring people like me to assist in the process. I believe fraud can only happen much higher up, at top-secret levels.

Ultimately, choosing to be an EC officer was a pretty abusive experience. Yes, there were people who were nice and smiled at us, but if there were any problems (real or imaginary) they turned hostile in a split second. I thought I would do my part in assisting out with ensuring a clean(er) election, but after everything, I’m not sure if it was worth it. The pay was definitely not worth it, but I was supposed to do it for the passion. No one told me I would be so badly mistreated for this job.

Will I do it again? Funnily enough, I may consider going through this again. Why? Despite it all, my purpose still remains: I love my country and I want to contribute towards ensuring clean and fair elections.

Note: I did not expect this post to gain such popularity, please bear in mind that the experience I had speaks for myself alone. I'm not speaking on behalf of PACA, EC, MBPJ, the police, the government, etc. This is merely my own, individual experience and I shared it in hope of enlightening the rakyat for future GEs.

Well done, Ms Lim. You deserve my standing ovation & respect for doing your job ethically, professionally & with humanity. If I could, I would have given you an award similar to the Nobel Peace Prize.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lyrics to Only In The Dark

Tonight, I saw a lot of my INTIan Friends all struggling to go through their revision and some even burst out of control due to the stress they are facing. I know this are some of the moments which are tough for you to go through at this point in time. I've been through and gone through them a lot but that's like more than 10 yrs ago now. Some have broken down their emotions, some even let out some rage & anger but realize their regrets and there's one who even told me she is gonna miss her revision days soon (Yeah, very LC la, you... got 1st class honors mah... Quote her tweet to me: " seriously, am enjoying the preparation of the very last afraid i might start missing all these very soon...hahahaha").

Most of them that I know are about to graduate and this is their last sem paper before their Final days in Uni. I will always be there to give all of you the moral support & ever ready jokes, smiles & nuisance to cheer your day(s).

I don't have very much words of wisdom & encouragement for all of you out there, but I can only share with some of you a very meaningful lyrics that meant a lot to me and helped me through such times in the past. YouTube has the song. =) Credits to my sis Juwita, of cos.

God Bless ya' all...


The raindrops fall incessantly
Each I think the sky's letting up
There seems to be another cloud
Bringing the dark
Coming right at me

So often I can't see the road ahead
The blinding headlights loom then go out again
But suddenly I find that I don't need to strife
'Cause I realize I am rising, I'm flying and....

Only in the dark when I can't seem to see
I learn to hear Your whisper that's been guiding me
Reach out for the hand that bears the light
So my step is right
Only in the dark

Now each day's a step that's lighted up
And the questions asked won't make me stop
'Cause I know no matter how I feel
That this is real
And I'm slowly getting to a place where it's not...

Only in the dark when I can't seem to see
I learn to hear Your whisper that's been guiding me
Reach out for the hand that bears the light
So my step is right
Only in the dark

So let the shadows come
And let me run into Your arms where
I can feel the warmth of Your touch - unmistakable
Leading me on, loving me on, turning me on
Though now it seems to be that...

Only in the dark when I can't seem to see
I learn to hear Your whisper that's been guiding me
Reach out for the hand that bears the light
So my step is right
Only in the dark

(Only in the dark when I can't seem to see)
Only in the dark
I learn to hear Your whisper that's been guiding me
Reach out for the hand that bears the light
So my step is right, yeahhh
Only in the dark

(Only in the dark when I can't seem to see)
Only in the dark
I learn to hear Your whisper that's been guiding me
Reach out for the hand that bears the light
So my step is right
Only in the dark

Only in the dark haahhh...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Listening to Lee Hom by Heart (by a deaf person)

I just had time to interact with my good buddy & bro while he is preparing at Sydney, Australia now. Tonight's his first-time and great opening night. He shared me this article & post that he wrote and a life-changing experience for him. I must say, Lee Hom is always so talented & having a great heart. God Bless his soul & may he bring more great music into our lives.

I was moved by what he did and Yvonne's stories that I would like to spread this word of love & speciality. If this touched my heart, I believe others should be touched too. My prayers will always be with those who deserves them too. Thank you Lee Hom, Thank you Yvonne.

Quote from Lee Hom:

王力宏 Wang Leehom
I made an inspiring friend last week. Her name is Yvonne Foong, and she has neurofibromatosis, a genetic illness with no known cure, which has left her completely deaf. It's rare for a deaf person to come to one of my concerts, so I was fascinated to hear what she had to say after the show. She told me that eight years ago, when she had her hearing, she saw me perform live. Now, with no hearing at all, she could still "hear" the concert, but with all of her other senses. She excitedly described the show to me, in vivid detail. It was amazing for me to hear her go on and on, obviously moved by the music, having heard not a single note.

It made me think of Beethoven, one of the greatest musicians of all time, who wrote some of the most celebrated music in history, while completely deaf. It's incredible to think that his music, which millions know and love, was never even once heard by its composer. Yet there's no doubt Beethoven, like Yvonne, could still "hear" with all his other senses, and profoundly, at that.

When a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? People have debated this cliché question for centuries. Some say no, that sound must be perceived in order to exist. Some say yes, that sound doesn't have to be heard to exist. The argument is interesting because, either way, how can you prove it when no one heard it? But can music exist when the notes are inaudible? Is there something more to music than sound waves with varying amplitudes and frequencies?

One of my favorite musicians, Leonard Bernstein, would have us think so. Toward the end of his life, he wrote:

In the beginning was the note,
And the note was with God.
And whosoever can reach that note,
Reach high and bring it back to us on earth,
To our earthly ears…
Partakes of the divine.

I don't know if anyone can prove or disprove that Yvonne heard my concert, but when I met her that night backstage in Malaysia, looked into her eyes and saw her excitement, I had my answer. And I want to thank her for reminding me that music goes beyond sound waves, and is not a tree falling in the woods. Thank you for reminding me that Bernstein was right, music comes from the divine, and what a blessing it is to reach higher and higher, reaching to bring those notes down to earth.

Read Yvonne's blogpost here:
Support her foundation here:

This is what Yvonne wrote:

Music Man II Round II – Listening to Lee Hom by heart

I had the privilege of attending Wang Lee Hom’s Music Man II Round II concert at the Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands last Thursday. I was given a free ticket, so I gladly went to watch Lee Hom perform despite not being able to hear him. Attending the concert with me were several members of Homaniacs – the official Malaysian Lee Hom fan club – who provided me with physical and logistical support on top of a delightful companionship.

When my friend checked whether I would like to go, she asked if I could see well. If I could, then I could enjoy it by watching. Hence, I went there expecting to enjoy the show mostly visually. I even brought a monocular along.

I have not attended a live music concert since losing my hearing completely by the end of 2005. Because, I thought it would not be worth the money to attend a music concert when you can’t hear.

When I was invited, though, I was open to the idea, probably because I have made peace with myself and my deafness over the past eight years. I was open to the experience of discovering how I might enjoy a music concert in my present physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition.

As soon as hall lights went out and stage lights came on at 8:30pm, something told me a memorable night was ahead. Indeed, I was impressed by the entire show’s choreography. It was a two-hour non-stop performance consisting many songs of different genre, each accompanied by elaborate and varying performances. The main dance performer was always Lee Hom himself, utilizing the entire stage. An energy-taxing concert no doubt. No wonder he is well built for endurance.

I did hear the songs. I heard them with all of my other senses. Hearing with our physical ear is only but one way of appreciating music. At Music Man II Round II, I heard Lee Hom by feeling the music beats – the beat of his ‘East-meets-West hip-hop’ music, and the flow of sound waves that vibrated in the air. The light displays and screen shows added to the experience by giving me a better idea of how the songs were. I also felt the emotion and energy with my heart. Seeing Lee Hom in person through my monocular was touching even from a distance. It was very different from seeing his picture or watching him in video. It felt like seeing an old friend at last.

That’s how Lee Hom is to me. Someone I enjoyed listening to when I could hear. I was a teenager – a lifetime ago. I have grown so much since then. But despite having grown and experienced much, my liking for Lee Hom’s music compositions remained unchanged. I will never hear the songs that he composed post-2005. But I am happy just playing the songs I have heard in my mind. I still sing his songs to myself and to whoever that doesn’t mind off-tune singing.

I took a special liking for Lee Hom not because he was good looking, although I like his looks too. Rather, it was his music’s originality. Not every pop singer is a musician. They might write their own lyrics now and then, but not compose their own music. Lee Hom is a musician first and foremost. He has proper and concrete music foundation, and a college degree to prove it, while his singing and popularity came later.

Lee Hom’s singing is naturally produced, not forced. Many singers stretch their vocal cords beyond limit to achieve a wider vocal range and complex sound vibrations. Lee Hom doesn’t bother too much. His focus is in the music composition’s dynamic. And I admire him for this reason. A true musician.

The concert was so comprehensive and elaborate, that I was filled with satisfaction to the brim by time stage fireworks exploded. Little did I know, that there was something more in store for me. I have yet to experience the best of this evening.

My friends and I slowly inched through the crowd of exiting audience. But instead of turning right towards the exit like everybody else, my friends led me to turn left, towards the stage below. When we reached the stage barricades, I thought we were just there to meet up with a friend so we may head home together. But one of my friends said something to the guards who let us through the barricades, more security personel, and finally, into a room at the side of the stage.

This was where, I met Lee Hom, face-to-face.

I told Lee Hom that the last time I attended his concert in Genting, I could still hear him. That was eight years ago. I can no longer hear him now. Yet I am amazed to see how much his performance has improved (evolved).

Lee Hom then calmly wrote to me by paper and pen. I could tell, though, that he was understandably tired.

Lee Hom, if you are reading this, know that I am supporting you in spirit.

How to handle Irritating Fellas humorously

This girl is a keeper!!!!

It happened at a New York Airport. This is hilarious. I

wish I had the guts of this girl. An award should go to the United

Airlines gate agent in New York for being smart and funny, while
making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably
deserved to fly as cargo. For all of you out there who have had to
deal with an irate customer, this one is for you.

A crowded United Airlines flight was canceled. A
single agent was re-booking a long line of inconvenienced travelers.

Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS."

The agent replied, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll be happy to try
to help you, but I've got to help these folks first; and then I'm
sure we'll be able to work something out."

The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that
the passengers behind him could hear, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM?"

Without hesitating, the agent smiled and grabbed her
public address microphone. "May I have your attention, please?", she began, her voice heard clearly throughout the terminal. "We have a passenger here at Gate 14 WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can help him with his identity, please come to Gate 14".

With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically,
the man glared at the United Airlines agent, gritted his teeth, and said, "F*** You!"

Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry sir,
you'll have to get in line for that, too."

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to
dance in the rain

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Idol 2013 - Fragments of Memories

I had to pen down this moment as it is still fresh. I've had a real awesome experience this year for The Idol, Season 2013. From Day 1 Auditions to the training ground & working on each and everyone, before the showcase, more intense private sessions to one-on-one crash courses & counselling and finally... The Finale. (Oh yeah, there's Freya Lim too... cool performance!)

The entire process has so much to offer. From Dreams to Love & ending off with Regrets. Such Fragments of Memories were merely just a footprint in my DNA bank & memory bank but later, I realized that my Genes that carry my passion & love for Music would rather need more...

It happened so quickly that I actually felt so emotionally attached to each and everyone of the contestants & organizing committee. Regardless, winner or loser, finalists or just a participant.

And this is because, seeing each and everyone of you grew and became much more matured than I expected. The transition of becoming someone else that is gifted in Music, Friendship, Teamwork & most importantly that special bond. The type of bond that is indescribable. Not even a painting could replace those Fragments of Memories.

For the past 72hours was rather sentimental to me. My proteges writing very touching paragraphs/essays of how they felt & what the entire competition had done to them. In fact, to all of them, especially the Finalists, they were all extremely incredible. The Transformation of them is more than just a growing up process but more like a Metamorphosis. I really saw everyone of them enjoying themselves on stage, while still being nervous (of cos! some of you were even sweating!).

I'm gonna go indepth for some of them... cause, each and every one of them is a foot print in my life now. In no particular order, just randomly from my head... here goes:

Mr. Alex & Mr. Song: you both boy wonders certainly RAWX... Judging with both of you every year always intrigue me with laughters and all sorta nonsense that brings so much tickling & entertainment. If only we could keep this going almost every once in awhile, then it would really be great. (P/s: stop being so gay & also go Ghost Hunting... if gal hunting, ok la...)

Benny Gan: You know your uniqueness... we have all sorts of fun in training and having you singing an Elvis piece really boils our blood to stand up and dance. Being eliminated shouldn't stop you from trying more challenging pieces. OH YES... and PLSSS... treat Wei May well... *ahem* (hint hint...)

Jian Hui: sad to hear that it's gonna be your last time to serve us with your skillful photography... but do come back every yr to make it like some sorta reunion gathering... may the best be in your future endeavors...

Johan Lee: You've a unique performance too. Don't think I forgotten about you. Just that you didn't make it to the finals doesn't mean you're left out. Keep it up. Cause the passion is there and sure, you can sing. Just the other co-judges didn't vote for you.

Kacau Yeo: This one ah.. memang kacau punya... Hahahaha... Well, Happy belated birthday to you. May all your years be filled with MUSIC~! Yeah.. u thought I was gonna say wishes huh? I'll keep it to myself. Take care, don't fall sick & forget about assignments la... FUN is more important... Oopsss... bad me.. anyway... stay cool~

Celist + Rainie: It's cool to judge with you, Rainie... Celist: I'm so proud of you and your achievements now. It will become a memory that will be an everlasting one. I hope to see that passion kick-off to greater heights. Perhaps one day, my songs will be sung by ya'all...

Li Fen: It's always great to have ya around. It's so much fun and you always cheer me up. Plus... it's cool to have you being my duet partner for just a song. You'll forever be a powerful lil' vocalist. And... YOU always make those fun & laughters come out of us. Stay cute as always.

Michelle Chee: Though it was just for a eenie mini tiny weee bit while of being involved with you at INTI's Got Talent Season 2, but nonetheless, your charming & shiny personality never ceased to amaze me & gave me fun & laughters too. Keep it up with whatever you're doing. Oh, take care of your health, babe. Cheers~!

Kenny Chok: hey.. superstar.. got to catch a glimpse of you for awhile. From previous Idols, I always got to hear that you never stop singing & performing. It's good! Keep it up and spread the joy to others too. Cheerios.

Yang Cheng: It was tough for you to juggle and pull-off with an event of such magnitude scale. Good job. It's really worth the appreciation. *cling*

CJ + Potato: It's always my happiest moments to see either or both of you. We have to go back for more vocal rehearsals and group singing more often. Those darn good times are just too few to mention. One of the best pairing I've ever seen & the most natural chemistry. Will never forget the both of you.

Thomas Tee: stop being so blur already. Every time see you also so steam-steam like that. But end of the day, it's a good job done still. Many thanks indeed.

Zag: Oh yeay... the talented music man. Plays almost every instrument that can be mastered.. :) keep it up coz it's not that easy to be so gifted. You just have to work on your vocal technique next and you're almost MAGNIFICO...

Lun Cheng: It's a gift to be able to sing Tenor & be doing such incredible music. You still do best in "The Prayer" but nonetheless, your uniqueness will always be respected, remembered & appreciated. Keep practising. 2nd Runner-up isn't enough for. The sky's the limit.

Ee Min: It's great to know that you're made the Most Promising Idol though I feel you should be getting a different award. Anyway, don't give up on singing. It's just that the odds are not aligned. You can do better. So, keep singing!

Shakira: Girl, you surprised me on stage with your transformation. Really a young Whitney Houston look-a-like. Your voice is the soft & subtle type, so you've got to look at a different range & style to make you more flexi.. I believe in you =)

Dynamic Duo: You both have a weird but interesting partnership. Don't worry, its not that you're not gifted. The both of you can sing but just differently. Perhaps you should consider solo for both and especially for Nurul, you'll definitely shine well.

How Ann: Good la you... when want to treat us to eat at Jogoya? Got sponsors already. With the 2nd place prize some more. You sapu all the prizes d. Anyway, you never stop believing and thus you made it. That's what I'm talking about.

Vera: Never before, have I seen or heard a voice like yours. You definitely got what it takes to go into the next level and compete or even move into the semi-pro level before being spotted & signed up by other labels. I've seen a little kid like you before and now, she's already furthering her career in Taiwan & Hong Kong. She was just like you with that raw talent and after I polished her and she found her way into the hearts of her fans. She is happily dueting with some of my other former proteges that turned celebrities. I see that path in you too. Keep it up. Don't stop believing/dreaming.

Eva Khoo: Don't think I forgotten you too... no worries, I didn't.. You also deserve to work on your emotions & feelings when you sing. You're almost there anyway. =) Play hard, play smart but sing with your heart, k? have fun

Chloe: You also have a good chance to bring out that specialty in you too. You have a one-of-a-kind style. It's like your trademark =D Happy singing.

Eva Loo: This is one caterpillar that really became a surprising butterfly. Your on-stage skill was really unexpected. I was trying so hard to teach you those stuff and didn't see you bust a move but when you took center stage, it really had me blown off. I believe in you. And I must most-definitely say, You're the true SuperStar & Most Promising Idol. Keep it up, cos your Ling Tang jie also believe you can do it and shine further.

Nicole: You ah, don't know what to say... really GENG... I've had some of the best memories cause of your funny character. So smart & yet so sentimental. Your recent post made me miss all of you Idols so damn much till it could almost shed a tear. Your words were not only encouraging but so matured. It's like seeing all of you growing up, graduating and moving on to the next level of life as part of evolution.

De Latte: You both will be the first 2 to be inducted into the Experimental Talent Development Program, Class of 2013. Congratulations~! But before that, it's also sad to hear it's also one of those last times you'll both partner and perform before parting ways. Though there's another chance for both of you to be in another event, it's just never the same. It's like separating a pair of chopsticks. I will NEVER forget the both of you.

3 Direction: I really don't know what else to say about you guys. It's really a pleasure for me to be entertained by all 3 of you. I must say you're anything but boring. I had the best laughters of my life in INTI/IDOL because I laughed so hard & my stress was totally lost. Great Job! Don't stop performing. I need that laughters =D

Yii Pin, Sin Yee & Shuen Shuen Shuen: 3 of the most awesome Personal Assistants I've ever had cum Program Masters. It's also sad to hear that Sin Yee & Shuen will be graduating soon too. A lot of emotional times & fun we've had in previous Seasons. It's really like the song: Seasons In The Sun. But I will never forget what we've gone through and best moments.

Emily Gan: Same for you too... good days were there. We shall also hang out again. Maybe in beach as well. Hahahaha

Jasmine Chin: Oh yes.. talking about leaving... another sad one is to hear that you're also gonna be packing the saddle soon. Awww... just when I was just enjoying with all of you guys. Anyway, one of the coolest emcees to grace my events. It suddenly ROCKS to have ya around. Keep in touch...

Pi R Square: Strangest but yet a fast up-coming group (Most Favorite/Popularly voted). Learn fast & improves quite tremendously. Its hard to improve all of you in 1 go as not enough time was given to tweak each and every of you but as a whole, at least things were so much better on stage. Ting Wei: its always the source & center of all the noise and fun. But good for you too. Keep it up and make more attention spotlights, k? *winks*

D'Coincidence: Wooowww... the most awesome group. I enjoyed myself in epic proportions when you guys rawk the stage. I feel so touched to see every single part of the training unfolding and just as I pictured it. A natural, all of u, really... WOW is all I can keep saying. *still in awe* Keep it up and I wanna see more of your shows in the near future.

I hope I didn't miss out anyone. Was writing this at midnight n was getting tired. Su Leen: I also wanna express my appreciation for your great hospitality n success. By the way, great transformation. Look so pretty suddenly when feminine :D

oh yes.. last but not least.. almost forgotten.. luckily she "popped" up in my FB private message... (yeah, I'm getting old and forgetful)

Yelena: after all the lengthy private talks & counselling, I've got to say... once again... no, you did not disappoint me & need not say sorry to me. You did WELL... And in case others have a wrong impression of things, I'll clarify it here. She wasn't a favored one or was I bias neither. Yelena is very talented actually but her abilities aren't unlocked yet. Her potential can surpass many but its just not seen yet. Thus the co-judges did not favor her. I did not give her special private lessons or sessions but merely used a different environment and technique to help her overcome her fear of stage fright, audience surroundings & her distractions. I also fully support her because where others did not, which includes her parents, siblings & friends, she was in this competition not to just win it but to prove to them and most importantly proof to herself that she could do it and it was inside of her all along.

On the night of the Finals, she was rather devastated that only her siblings were gonna attend and she couldn't prove to her mom or do it for her. To her unexpected surprise, (besides the fact that she missed a step & twisted her ankle slightly, which caused things to go spiraling down) she saw her mom at the 2nd song and made an emotional impact to her performance thus the mis-cued of forced errors.

But I am still proud of her because the improvement was still a lot better & the performance index is satisfactory. She was originally destined to be the Most Promising Idol as her talent can later surpass the Champions of past & present but would still need to go a long way before she can achieve it.

Enough said, it is with Idols like all of you that made my journey in life with a purpose & worth every single sweat, time & effort in making all of you the SuperStar Idols you all earned, yearned to be & has become. Welcome Legends, Welcome to Your Showcase of Immortals & Welcome to the Hall of Fame that is among those Heavenly Kings of Music. ~ The Idol, the best Fragments of my Memories ~

This just reminds me of the reason why I wrote songs.. and moments like this that also recalls the lyrics to songs like: You In Me & Stand.

Here's my favorite song: Stand


Today feels different somehow
Living on the edge of a breakthrough
Yesterday’s pain of people’s disdain
Didn’t hurt me as much as it used to
Maybe I’ve found my remedy

I’m gonna stand up and walk my life
Not afraid to stumble and not afraid to fall
I’m gonna speak up, I’m gonna say what’s on my mind
Never mind if they don’t hear me
I know the ones who love me
I know the ones who will hold me
Just the way I stand
Just the way I am

Standing here on my stage
Why do your stares look so empty?
Strangers and friends all around
Funny how it still seems so lonely
Maybe not such a tragedy

I’m gonna stand up and walk my life
Not afraid to stumble and not afraid to fall
I’m gonna speak up, I’m gonna say what’s on my mind
Never mind if they don’t hear me
I know the ones who love me
I know the ones who will hold me
Just the way I stand
Just the way I am

I don’t wanna have to make pretend
And say what I will not want to
Not just to please you
I won’t be forced to love all who say they love me
But never know what makes me content completely

I’m gonna stand up and walk my life
Not afraid to stumble and not afraid to fall
I’m gonna speak up, I’m gonna say what’s on my mind
Never mind if they don’t hear me
I know the ones who love me
I know the ones who will hold me
Just the way I stand
Just the way I am

To listen to the song dedicated to all of you, here's the link:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Idol Season 2013, Round 1 Audition Results

Well, it's that time of the year again. The Idol has begun its new season for Year 2013 and the 1st Auditions have taken place in all the campuses.

I've had the privilege to scout the hidden talents and there are some real interesting people who can perform in their slightest shyness or cuteness or even their craziness.

Here's the moment for those who have the passion & courage to do so. I believe in everyone of them who took the courage to step in front of me & my fellow judges. The absorb every swipe of the critics & advises given.

Then of course, I do admit the fun I had listening to some of them or the laughters they brought to us.

Nonetheless, I've said this on the facebook page. "Congratulations to those who made it. For those who didn't, don't give up. You r a winner too. Just that there's not enough room for so many champions".

Here's the results of those who successfully made it into the second round. And I quote: "Contestants, please check if you've made it into Round 2 and buckle up, cos I ain't gonna be so lenient & nice by then. Welcome to your newest nightmare.

Then again, of course, you can buy your way into success by calling 1800-BRANDON-HELP. Hehehe ".

So, see all of you at the 2nd Audition. Good luck to all.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

1 Malaysian's achievement?

With all due respects to Tan Sri, I've nothing against you but just admiration if I were you. (That is if all this is true). This is just for reading purposes and I'm neither for or against anyone here. I also disclaim that I do not side any political party or support any words endorsed hereof.

I came across a controversial post and I was just wondering if the below article is true

Malaysia hanya ade seorang Melayu

Saya nak makan nasi lemak,
beras dibeli dari siapa? - BERNAS!
BERNAS milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary

Makan nasi lemak, takkan tanpa minuman, so order kopi 0.
Air buat kopi, jika tinggal di Johor beli air dari Aliran Ihsas Resources,
Aliran Ihsas Resources milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary.

Minum kopi mesti campur gula
Gula di Malaysia, dua pengeluar sahaja MSM & MSR.
MSM milik felda, 20% saham dimiliki Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary ;

MSR milik Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary sepenuhnya

OK, cakap banyak sekarang nasi sudah sejuk, mahu panaskan
Guna gas stove, Gas Malaysia milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary

Guna microwave oven, elektrik, TNB beli elektrik dari siapa? = IPP.
IPP terbesar di Malaysia ialah Malakoff.
Malakoff milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary

Sekarang tak nak makan nasi, pergi McD sahaja la... naik motor
Motor Kriss, keluaran MODENAS.
Modenas milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.

Tak nak naik motor, naik kereta. Kereta apa? Proton.
Proton milik DRB HICOM.
DRB HICOM milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.

Tak nak beli Proton la. Beli Honda saja.
Honda Malaysia milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.

Beli kereta nak buat pinjaman perbankan islam, pergi Bank Muamalat.
Bank Muamalat milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.

Kereta kena ada insurans coverage.
Insurance beli dari siapa? = Uni Asia Insurance
Uni Asia Insurance milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary

Nak ambil road tax, kena pergi PUSPAKOM.
Puspakom milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary

Ok la tak nak naik kereta. Naik keretapi lagi senang
Landasan keretapi siapa buat? = MMC.
MMC milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.
Sekarang, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary pun nak ambil alih KTMB

Ok tak nak guna keretapi ambil kapal terbang saja la... nak pergi Johor!
Senai Airport milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary

Tak nak ambil keretapi, kapal terbang, naik kapal laut sahaja la.
Pergi Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas.
Tanjung Pelepas Port milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.
Tak nak pergi Tanjung Pelepas, pergi Johor Port.
Johor Port milik siapa? = MMC.
MMC milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.

Ok la... I orang KL, naik MRT sahaja la... (apabila siap)
Projek MRT, siapa kontraktor terbesar? = MMC.
MMC milik siapa? = Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.

Macam ni la... tak nak keluar rumah langsung!
Duduk rumah, hantar surat sahaja!
Apabila nak hantar surat, kena lekat setem!
Apabila kita lekat setem sahaja, kita sudah bayar Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary, kerana POS Malaysia pun sudah diswastakan kepada Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary.

Tahniah Tan Sri, You earn this all, on your own!!
Malaysia is not Malaysians anymore, its YOURS!! Entirely yours!

Kerajaan Rakyat mula berkenalan dengan Syed Mokhtar sekitar 1989 di Johor Bahru semasa beliau baru-baru berusaha untuk merapatkan dirinya dengan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yang ketika itu adalah Menteri Besar Johor dengan tujuan untuk mengambil-alih Johore Port.

- End of quote -
Editor's note: I don't exactly like the way this guy writes his stuff and say Tan Sri but it's just purely a businessman's capability to get the deal and job done. I'm sure if we could switch bodies, we'd have done the same. Not everyone who gets a good deal from Gov't or any client can do the job if not financially sound. Even fate plays a huge part if you're granted the job or not. And for Tan Sri to be on the board of so many companies means he's really gifted & talented to run these companies. Admirably speaking, even if I am so gifted and talented does not mean I will be fated to be in the same position as him and make all those achievements. So, Mr. Writer of this article, please give credit where creditors due.