Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 6: How to Plan a Perfect Date

Don't be silly, there's no such thing as a perfect date. I've tried and done all sorts of date and even the most perfect in others' eyes may not be the perfect date to her. OR it may not turn out as you plan it.

Here are some simple, fairly inexpensive date ideas for those of you who wish to add a little romance to your relationship:

  1. Have a picnic in the middle of your living room, with a nice bottle of wine, candles and the music of your choice.
  2. Host a candlelit dinner in your own backyard, patio or terrace. Use the stars as your backdrop and the candles to create intimacy. If there is a river or lake nearby, see if there is a company that does champagne river or boat tours. As your guide relates the local habitat, you and your honey can snuggle under a blanket and share a toast to your relationship.
  3. Picnic in your local park or at your local beach. Enjoy feeding each other finger foods and fresh berries.
  4. Call your local culinary school and see if you can hire one of the chefs in training to cook for the two of you. Their prices may be more reasonable than a dinner out, plus

    • you don’t have to worry about how much you drink
    • the mess is cleaned up for you.
  5. Try some backyard tourism. Do you live near a museum, state or national park, beach, lake, or landmark? Have you been there lately? Has your date? Plan a day trip, pack a picnic lunch, and make a Saturday of it.
  6. Pursue a hobby or sport together, or try a new one. Do you know what your date does for fun? Is there a climbing gym in your area? A miniature golf course? Do you both like to ride bicycles? Could you teach your date to dance, or could you both take lessons together?
  • It doesn't always have to be fancy. Just fun.
  • Flowers. Many girls love flowers and it will gain you more points than anything else. If she has a green thumb, consider bringing a potted plant, instead.
  • Remember that the purpose of a date is to get to know the person you are dating and to spend time with them. A hike in the wilderness will accomplish that goal far better than an equal amount of time spent in a movie theater.
  • Can't cook? Go for simple foods, presented nicely. Pack fresh fruit and sandwiches or crackers and deli meats to assemble miniature sandwiches. Drink water or lemonade.

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