Thursday, October 27, 2011

Times have changed & so does our style of culture

Everyone has been busy lately, I guess. I've got all sorts of calls and people running around telling me "yeah, busy." or "Year end... busy, busy, busy". Ok, I'll just join into the trend and say, "don't know, I'm busy, I think?"

Most of the time, we get people telling us that they're on the way. It's a normal practice in Malaysia. Guess what's the best part of this culture?

Surprised? Guessed not. Some people will get pissed off from waiting for too long and they'd probably head to a different dimension and try something quirky.

This guy(s) went to the extend to inform the fast-food outlet:

So, the unthinkable happened.

Wonder if anyone would do such a thing here?

Then again, Malaysian fast food outlets make you pay before you even bite. So, die-die also need to wait till the cows come home.

Oh wait, just in case you need to go to the washroom, remember to bring some coins along. This toilet is unique. Here's why:

If you're pissed off by that, you can always try the Grand Slam of Thor.
And finally, if you can't sleep and try to be awake while reading this, maybe this will help:

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