Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter & TGIGF!

Less than an hour ago, I went back to the scene where the incident that shook me for 24hours and made me mourn in respect for a cat.

When I went back there to pay my final respects, it was not there anymore. Earlier on, I had a thought and made a prayer out to the cat as well. Now, my prayers were answered and it is now brought home to the maker of this universe.

My loved ones had been texting me day in day out for the past 24hrs and I have been warmly comforted by each and every one of them. Even my cousins, near and far had consoled me to squeak a giggle.

To quote some of them, (it's kinda true to what they said & makes sense too), a cat has 9 lives and when they reached their 9th one, they just tend to commit suicide and run out of the road and get banged. Now I know what Sean Kingston meant when he sang that it was "Suicidal, Suicidal..."

Baby cheered me up the most. So kudos to you and thanks for your care.

Anyway, what made me really moved on after mourning for 24hrs is the fact that this incident happened on the 1st hour of Good Friday. Now, most of us had already learnt that Jesus sacrificed his life to be crucified on a cross to carry our sins away and then he rose up on the Sunday to which, christians would celebrate it as Easter Sunday.

I believe that the cat, un-intentionally, just as the lady who first banged it and incidentally caused it to be ran over by me too, had forgave and carried our sins along to heaven to meet our Creator. Letting us start anew, the cat sacrificed itself to lift up our burdens and I believe that now it's not there anymore is also a sign for it's own "rising" too.

With that, I had to say, TGIGF... Thank God, It's Good Friday. So, Happy Easter holidays to everyone.

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